226 Thick Bed Mortar is a factory prepared blend of carefully selected raw materials, portland cement and graded aggregates. 226 Thick Bed Mortar was designed for use with 3701 Mortar Admix to produce a latex portland cement mortar that has exceptional strength. 3701 Fortified Mortar Bed is an approved substitute for 226 Thick Bed Mortar mixed with 3701 Mortar Admix.
Features & Benefits
Premixed — No jobsite blending of powders required
Safe — Non-flammable; safe to store and mix
Economical — saves time and money
Easy to Use — no special tools required
Versatile — wet and dry areas, walls, floors, ceilings, interior and exterior
High Strength Formula
"Extra Heavy Service" rating per TCNA performance levels (RE: ASTM C627 Robinson Floor Test).
Quick Cure Mortar Bed is a rapid setting, polymer fortified blend of carefully selected polymers, portland cement and graded aggregates. Quick Cure Mortar Bed does not require the use of latex admix;...
3701 Fortified Mortar Bed is a polymer fortified blend of carefully selected polymers, portland cement and graded aggregates. 3701 Fortified Mortar Bed does not require the use of latex admix,...
317 Mortar is a bagged cementitious powder. It is mixed with either water or latex admixture for installing ceramic tile and stone using the thin-set method of installation. 317 Mortar must be...
3701 Mortar Admix is a specially designed latex admixture for use with thin-set mortars, cement grouts, cement mortar beds, and other cement mixes.
Used in place of water, 3701 Mortar Admix improves...
272 Mortar is a high performance bagged cementitious powder to be mixed with either water or latex admixture to install ceramic tile and stone using the thin-set method of installation.