STAIN-PROOF Plus™ is an impregnating, invisible and breathable sealer that protects natural stone countertops from damage caused by water, salts and oil-based stains. Treated countertop surfaces become easier to clean, maintain, and keep looking good for longer. STAIN-PROOF Plus™ provides lasting protection for natural stone that comes with a 25 year warranty*.
Typical applications:
STAIN-PROOF Plus™ is suitable for natural stone and concrete countertops.
- The next generation of Dry-Treat™'s world leading STAIN-PROOF™ Original sealer, optimized for dense natural stone
- Permanent premium oil and water repellence. 25-year written performance warranty when applied by a Dry-Treat™ Accredit Applicator
- Three different custom sealing molecules for 3 levels of penetration and maximum stain repellence
- Includes a super penetrator for deep penetration of dense granites and marbles.
- Retains natural surface color and finish
- Super breathable: water vapor escapes freely preventing harmful moisture build-up inside the treated material
- Suitable for indoor, outdoor, residential and commercial use.
*A 25-YEAR PERFORMANCE WARRANTY is offered when product applied by an Accredited Applicator following our written instructions and surface is maintained regularly using our written maintenance system, as outlined in our warranty document. Spills should still be cleaned up immediately to minimise absorption.
Active Contents:
Over 60% active contents in alcohol.
How to use:
- ALWAYS TEST PRODUCT ON A SMALL AREA FIRST and allow a 24-hour cure time to determine the ease of application and desired results.
- Ensure surfaces to be treated are dry, clean and free of residues.
- DO NOT thin product.
- Generously saturate the surface with STAINPROOF Plus™ using a low pressure hand spray, a clean brush or lamb’s wool applicator. Surface should have a mirror like ‘wet’ look for 3-5 seconds. Avoid contact with surrounding areas.
- Allow the surface to become touch dry, waiting a minimum of 10 minutes, and repeat Step 4. Total application rate is approximately one quart per 100 sq.ft. (one litre per 10 square metres), depending on surface absorption.
- After the final coat allow the surface to become touch dry, waiting a minimum of 10 minutes, and then polish with a clean dry white cloth to remove excess product, moistening cloth with STAINPROOF Plus™ to ease polishing.
- Use an organic solvent e.g. methylated spirits to clean equipment.
- Sealer will NOT prevent surface etching, scuff marks or wear and may lighten or darken some surfaces. STAIN-PROOF Plus™ will make the maintenance and cleaning of treated surfaces much easier.